A full mind and an empty fridge equal serious motivation.

30 September 2005

Wikipedia: The Anarchistic Teenager's Dream

This afternoon, my brother, dbreck (www.dbreck.blogspot.com; www.stpetemag.com; www.bmfdesigns.com) informed me that Wikipedia, the world's only user updated online encyclopedia, is located here in St. Pete. In fact, their old office is a mere block away from my building, and is visible from my eastern window; and their new office is directly across the hall from his office, which is only a block from my building in the other direction. Small world, right?

dbreck proceeded to show me Wikipedia's listing for St. Petersburg. Very cool. I got the idea to search for my hometown, Niceville, FL. The following is an excerpt from that conversation, detailing what happened next.

Rustedblue: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niceville
in there too

breckend: what I don't understand is the "Edit this page" part

Rustedblue: ...

Rustedblue: me either

Rustedblue: this seems like anarchy

Rustedblue: could I change the name to the City of Evil?

breckend: I think i need you to try it

breckend: just in one place

Rustedblue: looks like I just did

Rustedblue: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niceville,_Florida

Rustedblue: check this page

breckend: that is epic

breckend: screen capture that

Rustedblue: OMFG

He's going to ask the fine folks a Wikimedia HQ what the deal is today.

Circulatory System Crash: A Great Way To Start The Day

This new blog has been borne of a caffeeine crash my system is currently experiencing. Readers will have to wait a few hours for me to get picked back up again to read anything of actual substance. Until then, enjoy the view.